Best Low Investment Business Ideas – Top 10 Business Ideas with Low-Investment


Businesses and investments are two words that go hand in hand. There are no businesses without any investment in them.

When you start a small-scale, medium, or large-scale business, investment requirements will be there.

While large and medium-scale businesses require enormous investments, many small-scale businesses can be set up with nominal investments.

This article will discuss the business ideas you can do with low or minimum investment.

We will also discuss the business prospects, investment requirements, revenue, and profit margins.

Top 10 Low Investment Business Ideas in India

Here is the list of Top 10 Business Ideas with Low Investment –

Rank Low Investment Business Ideas
1 Printing Business
2 Cafe Business
3 Health Drink Business
4 Online Laundry Store
5 Soap Making Business
6 Jute Bag Making Business
7 Career Counselor Business
8 Pest Control Business
9 Landscaping Service Business
10 Security Service Business

Printing Business – Best Low Investment Business Idea

Best Low Investment Business IdeasIf you are wondering what it is, this is nothing but printing customized designs, pictures, artwork, and other creative things on a t-shirt, mugs, phone covers, and similar products. These days customized items are in high demand.

While earlier gifting customized coffee mugs were in fashion, nowadays, it has shifted to t-shirts and even phone covers.

So, if you are looking for a profitable business venture, you can explore this idea. The investment would be as low as Rs.25,000 to Rs.50,000.

The printing machine used for this purpose – the heat press will cost you around Rs.20,000 to Rs.30,000 on average. However, the cost will vary as per the companies and other features. This is the average range.

Apart from the machine, your investment can go up if you open a shop, then rent for the shop would add up. The profit margin is quite high in this business. You can earn up to 50% – 70% profit margin.

Café Business – Top Low Investment Business Ideas

If you are wondering why cafés are on this list as they would cost you way more, then let us tell you that cafés can be opened at a lower cost.

You do not have to rent a hi-fi place or build a theme-based café, and you can also open an open-air café where you will serve basic coffee, cappuccinos, tea, and snacks.

This kind of café can cost less because you rent a huge space. You do not require a professional chef to make the coffee.

Moreover, due to open-air your electricity consumption would be less as well. To start a café or fast food parlor like this, you must invest around Rs.80,000 to Rs.100,000.

The profit can be within the range of 50% to 60%.

Health Drink Business – Top 10 Low Investment Business Idea

People nowadays are becoming more health-conscious. Especially after the pandemic hit the world, people are turning towards healthier food options.

While people used to prefer a cold drink earlier on a sunny day, nowadays, most are looking for fresh juice or health drinks.

So, you can en-cash this opportunity as there are few juice corners or juice sellers in the city. The investment can be negligible if you can use your car or open it in a rented space.

You can take a small shop with low rent, but the place must be popular. Your overall investment can go up to Rs.20,000 while you can make around 50% to 70% profit.

A juice maker would cost you between Rs.2,000 to Rs.5,000. You need to stock up on fruits and a bit of publicity.

Online Laundry Store – Best Business Ideas at Low Investment

Online laundry shop business is becoming famous in different parts of the country. This is picking up in places with the most bachelors staying.

For instance, Mumbai is a city where half of the population is from outside of Mumbai. Though laundry services have demand from all, bachelors staying alone mostly need the same.

Here the investment can be between Rs.25,000 to Rs.40,000. It would help if you bought a washing machine which will cost you around Rs.15,000 on average.

Then you can do it from home, but you have to hire one person to pick up and deliver the clothes to the customer.

Suppose this helper would cost you Rs.8,000 per month, including your maintenance charges. A total of Rs.10,000 is the monthly expenses.

You can earn Rs.30,000 to Rs.40,000 per month easily from this.

Soap Making Business – Top Business Ideas at Low Investment

This is a small-scale business that you can start with an investment of Rs.1.5 lakhs. Soaps are always in demand. Especially these days, handmade and customized soaps are highly in demand.

There are multiple ways of selling them, too, especially online. So, if you are looking for some different business ideas which you can start with minimum investment, then you can try them.

The profit margins you can expect from this business are around Rs.30,000 to Rs.50,000 when you do it on a small scale.

You can collaborate with online sellers and e-commerce websites to sell your soaps. You can also directly sell them to people in and around your locality or city.

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Jute Bag Making Business – Top 10 Business Ideas at Low Investment

Jute bags never go out of fashion. Whether you use them for carrying luggage, a huge amount of materials, or just a handbag that you can carry to your college or while hanging out.

Jute being environment friendly is again becoming popular after many years.

You can create customized bags wherein you can design the bags as per customers’ preferences. You can print them with artwork and whatnot.

The cost of making one 15 kg jute bag is just Rs.25 at the maximum, while you can sell it for Rs.50. So, the profit margin in this business can be 100%.

Career Counselor Business – Best Low Investment Business in India

If you want to start something in the service industry rather than the manufacturing industry, then one of the best options you have is career counseling.

Students, especially those in their 12th standard or college, need help deciding which path to choose.

They like something else, but they choose something else. This is mostly due to parental and societal pressure as well.

You can help these kids and churn out some good money as a career counselor.

Career counseling is becoming popular as parents understand the importance of letting their children do what they want.

You are now coming to the investment and profits of this business venture. You can start this business with Rs. 0 as an investment.

Your investment can be zero in monetary terms if you provide online career counseling.

However, your actual investment would be your knowledge and your experience in this industry, and you need to be updated about all types of new courses and colleges.

The profit can be 100 percent as an investment is zero.

Pest Control Business – Top Low Investment Business in India

Pests are unwanted guests in our home who live rent-free and irritate us. No one wants them in the house, and thus pest control services come to the rescue.

Though this might not be a very popular business idea in towns and rural areas but cities, this business has great demand.

Most offices and commercial buildings have tie-ups with monthly or periodic pest control services.

Even residential buildings are opting for the same nowadays. Individual homes are also availing pest control services often.

Especially during this Covid pandemic, the demand for pest control also increased. The investment you would require to start this business is around Rs.200,000.

You may wonder why the initial investment is high, but most of the amount will be one-time investment products.

Like the types of machinery required, the rolling costs will mainly include the chemicals. You can expect a monthly profit of around Rs.75,000 if you have a decent clientele.

Landscaping Service Business – Top 10 Low Investment Business in India

With the increasing number of residential complexes with yards of greenery in and around them, the landscaping business is again gaining importance.

Earlier, affluent people with gardens and lawns hired these services, but now the demand is increasing from the residential complexes.

If you are interested in gardening, this business can be right for you. The investment for starting this business would be around Rs.200,000 as the pieces of machinery will cost you a bit higher.

However, all the pieces of machinery can run for an average period of 10-15 years, so this is like a one-time investment.

While the cost seems slightly higher compared to other low-investment businesses, the profit margin can be way higher.

If you get contracts from supposing 2-3 complexes (suppose), there would be nothing less than Rs.30,000 to Rs.50,000 you will charge, so if your revenue would be Rs.60,000 to Rs.1 lakh per month.

If you deduct all the expenses, your profit margin would be around 40% to 50% in a month, and you can earn around Rs.30,000 to Rs.50,000.

Security Service Business – Best Business at Low Investment

If you are looking for some adventurous business, you can open a spying or security agency.

There is high demand for security staff amongst the upper-middle class and affluent. In the residential complexes as well, there is a constant need for security personnel.

So, if you are recruiting genuine, hardworking people for security services, you can get multiple contracts from multiple housing societies and even individual houses.

While residential complexes have been demanding these services recently with their growth, the demand has always been there in commercial estates.

This business has no monetary investment requirement apart from renting an office space.

The expenses would be a recurring business: salaries of the security guards and other benefits if you are proving any.

Candle Making Business

Another small scale low investment manufacturing business you can start is candle-making.

Yes, these days, customized, scented candles are in high demand. The investment cost is very low, and the price of these candles is quite high due to the demand.

You can sell them on online platforms easily without any hassle. Candle-making kits are easily available in different markets. It is better to avail them, whole-sellers, as the price would be low.

Pickle Making Business

Do you love making pickles? Do you know how your mom and grandmom used to make pickles back in the day? If yes, then you should start a pickle manufacturing and selling business.

Pickles are an all-time favorite of Indians. So, the demand for the product is high, and when it comes to pickles with recipes from the early days, nothing can beat that.

The investment cost would be really low for this business, and you can start this business from Rs.20,000 to Rs.30,000.

While this is the investment requirement at the initial stage, the profit margin can be really good. Generally, the profit margin for pickles is around 50% and above.

Religious Items Store

Whether it’s a recession, peak, pandemic, or epidemic, the demand for religious items would be there. There is no recession in this business.

Moreover, no one will bargain about the price as well as it is for the god. So, even if you remain genuine and sell the items keeping a low margin of profit, then also you can make handsome money at the end of every month.

The investment can be anything between Rs.50,000 to Rs.1 lakh if you do it on a small scale. The profit margin is around 40% to 50% on average.

Aquarium Shop

Another low-cost and profitable business is selling aquariums and other items required to keep and feed fish.

The aquarium is considered Vaastu compliant, and thus many people want the aquarium to be in their offices, homes, and buildings.

You can start this business with low investment and do it on an order basis. You can take the advance, prepare the aquarium, and sell when you get orders.

Best Low Investment Business Ideas – Conclusion

Owning a business is a matter of pride, but the investment requirement needs to be taken care of. At the same time, many want to start a business but think they need a huge amount of investment.

The business mentioned above requires less investment and has a high-profit margin.

So, if you are thinking of beginning a new journey and starting something of your own, this is the time.

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