Best Mobile Store Franchise in India – List of Top 10 Phone Shop Dealership of 2025


Know about Best Mobile Store Franchise in India here.

Mobile phones have become an extension of human beings nowadays. The Indian handset market is huge already and still has huge room for growth.

As per a report published by Deloitte, the number of smartphone users in India is to grow upto 1 billion by 2026.

Going by this forecast, it is the best time to start your business with the Best Phone Shop Franchise to tap this market potential.

In this article, you will learn about the Mobile Store Franchise in India, which is at the top of its game.

The article will give you insights into the top ten mobile store franchises that you can opt for and also help you choose the best one that is most suitable for your business.

Best Phone Shop Franchise in India – Top 10 Mobile Store Dealership for Business

Let us check the Best Mobile Store Franchise in India.

Si. No. Brand
1 Oneplus Franchise
2 Micromax Franchise
3 Xiaomi Franchise
4 Croma Franchise
5 Samsung Franchise
6 Phonewale Franchise
7 Cashify Franchise
8 Big C Mobiles Franchise
9 Smart Dukaan Franchise
10 The Mobile Store Franchise

We have picked up these ten Mobile Shop Franchises mentioned in the table above by evaluating multiple factors.

Best Mobile Store Franchise in IndiaAll these ten Best Mobile Store Franchise Businesses offer great support facilities to their franchises and have reasonable franchise fees, which is the initial investment required to start the business.

Apart from these, we have also considered the investment requirements and the expenditure that will go into the same.

As you can see in the above table, both specific mobile brands franchises and all brands franchises are in these top ten Mobile Store Franchises in India.

OnePlus Franchise – Best Mobile Store Franchise in India

To start with, we have OnePlus, which took the mobile store businesses by storm with its unprecedented demand and services.

Oneplus Franchise LogoThis is one of India’s Best Mobile Store franchises, given the craze for the OnePlus mobiles amongst all generations.

OnePlus started its franchise business in 2013 and currently has more than 100 franchise outlets across the country.

OnePlus offers five years franchise agreement for a fee of Rs. 5 lakhs at the least, while it can go up to Rs. 10 lakhs as well.

The cost of setting up the outlet of the OnePlus store is around Rs. 50 lakhs to Rs. 1 crores. Now that you know how much you need to invest, let’s see the potential earnings from the franchise.

OnePlus franchises earn 90% of the revenue they generate while the remaining 10% the franchisor retains.

So, if you are the franchise holder and in this month of January, your franchise makes Rs. 10 lakhs of revenue, then you will get Rs. 9 lakhs out of the total revenue while the remaining Rs. 1 lakh will go to the franchisor.

Usually, it takes 1 to a maximum of 2 years for the franchises to break even in this given setup.

The investment expenditure is given above as Rs. 50 lakhs to Rs. 1 crore, and you must be wondering what are the requirements for the outlet that you need this mentioned amount, aren’t you?

So, OnePlus has rigid criteria for its dealer stores/ franchise outlets. The store area needs to be at least 500-1000 square feet.

More on OnePlus Franchise

The store needs internet connectivity, a waiting area, a demo area, a product display area, a billing counter, and other amenities like ACs and CCTVs. You also need delivery services of your own for the products.

OnePlus offers additional support to its franchisees, including product training for the employees of the franchises. Then rendering different offers to attract customers.

Apart from these, there will be client interaction training, Relationship manager support or customer care support, interior designing support for the franchise outlets, inventory planning, monetary support, and warranty and guarantee support.

Micromax Franchise – Best Phone Shop Dealership in India

Micromax may have become a little low-key, but it has a huge network of franchise businesses and thus counted amongst this list of Top 10 Mobile Shop Dealership.

Micromax Franchise LogoThey started their journey in 2000 and now have a network of over thousands of franchise outlets across the country.

They offer a master franchise for seven years for a fee of Rs. 7 lakhs. The infrastructure cost for the Micromax franchise is quite reasonable and is between Rs. 5 lakhs and Rs. 10 lakhs only.

Franchisees get 90% of the share in the revenue while the franchisor Micromax keeps only 10%. In this setup, the franchisees break even within a maximum time of two years.

Coming to the infrastructure requirements, Micromax stores need to be built in an area of at least 500 square feet, and there must be two to five employees all the time.

The outlet must have ACs, CCTVs, a demo area, a billing counter, and a product display zone. Micromax offers marketing support to its franchisees and interior designing support too.

Then there is RM support and client interaction training as well. There are also inventory planning, warranty support, product pricing support, and a lot more.

Xiaomi Franchise – Top Mobile Store Franchise in India

Very few mobile brands have become such massive hits as Xiaomi in India and even across the globe. Xiaomi is our next Mobile Store Franchise Business in India which we will talk about.

MI Xiaomi Franchise LogoXiaomi started in 2010, and these 13 years, it has become a network of more than thousands of franchise outlets across the country.

It offers a master franchise for Rs. 10 lakhs for only seven years at a time. Then if you want to continue, you can renew the franchise agreement.

While the franchise fee is at par with the market standard, the investment required to set up the outlet’s infrastructure is comparatively less. It costs around Rs. 12-15 lakhs to build the outlet.

The franchises usually recover their investments within a maximum period of 2 years as the revenue share they get is around 90%.

The outlet needs to be built in at least 300-1200 square feet of area and must have a billing counter, product display area, demo area, and delivery facility.

Then the entire outlet needs to be air-conditioned and must be under CCTV surveillance. Xiaomi offers marketing and monetary support, which is quite rare to see.

It also offers interior designing and development support, another unique support facility combination. Training is also rendered for franchise holders and their employees.

Croma Franchise – Top Mobile Shop Franchise to Invest

Croma started its operations in 2005, and in these 18 years, it has become one of the Best Phone Shop Franchise Businesses in India. It is a mobile store that keeps all the mobile phone brands.

Croma Franchise LogoSo, if you want to deal in different brands of handsets and not any particular brand of mobile phones, then Croma can be one of the best options.

Croma has become a 1000+ franchise outlet network in the 18 years of its operations and has a pan-India presence.

As Croma deals in multiple mobile phone brands and has a huge market presence, they charge a franchise fee of Rs. 50 lakhs, and the infrastructure expenditure for setting up the outlet range between Rs. 5 crores and Rs. 10 crores.

While you might be a little worried about the initial investment for the Croma franchise, you also need to consider the share of revenue to which you will be entitled.

You will receive 90% of the revenue that you would generate, while the franchisor will take only 10%.

Usually, the franchisees break even within 3 years under this investment – revenue structure which is justified and as per market standards.

To set up Croma, you would need a space of 5000 square feet space and employ at least 15 staff. The product display area, demo area, and billing counters are compulsory.

The entire store needs to be air-conditioned and has CCTV surveillance. Croma offers all kinds of support to franchisees.

Whether it is monetary support, marketing support, or warranty support, Croma offers all.

Then there is inventory planning, interior designing and development support, training for product demos and presentations, and client interaction, and the franchisor provides everything for the benefit of the franchises.

Samsung Franchise – Top 10 Phone Shop Dealership to Invest

With its innovation and affordable smartphones, Samsung has been the game changer in the mobile phone industry.

Samsung Franchise LogoIt is a brand that has been in the industry since 1938 but started its franchise business in 2016 and became one of the Top Mobile Store Franchise Brands of 2025.

It has thousands of franchises across the country and has been offering 7 years master franchise opportunity for Rs. 20 lakhs.

The infrastructure cost of the Samsung franchise varies between Rs. 15 lakhs and Rs. 20 lakhs, and they get 90% of the share from the revenue they generate.

Supposedly, a franchise outlet of Samsung generates Rs. 20 lakhs as revenue in a month, then that franchise will receive Rs. 18 lakhs as the share of revenue, while another franchise making Rs. 10 lakhs in a month will get Rs. 9 lakhs out of the same.

Given the huge popularity and brand value of Samsung mobiles, it takes hardly 2 years for the franchises to break even.

The infrastructure requirements you would have to fulfill to set up the whole franchise is a store area of 600 to 1200 square feet, where you need to employ three to seven employees to attend to the customers.

More on Samsung Dealership

The demo area and the product display area have to be there for sure, and the billing counter, without any doubt.

The store needs to be well-designed, and you will also receive support from the franchisor. Then there must be all the amenities for the comfort of the customers.

Samsung offers other support besides interior designing support, such as marketing support, warranty and guarantee support, inventory planning, monetary support, and training.

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Phonewale Franchise – Top 10 Phone Shop Franchise to Invest

The next Top 10 Phone Shop Dealership of 2025 is Phonewale, another franchise or dealership business of mobile phones of all brands.

Phonewale Franchise LogoPhonewale started with a franchise business model only in 2017, and in these 5 years, it has built a network of more than ten franchise outlets in different regions of the country.

Harsh Kotak started this franchise business of mobile phones from Ahmedabad, which is the head office at present for the company.

If you want to buy the franchise rights of Phonewale, then you will have to pay a franchise fee of Rs. 5 lakhs to Rs. 10 lakhs, and then you will get the rights for five years.

You can renew the agreement every five years, provided you want to continue with the franchise Phonewale.

The infrastructure requirements for the Phonewale franchise are 400 to 600 square feet, with a waiting area, demo area, product display zone, and billing counter.

Then the delivery services are also compulsory, and you need to have in-house two to three employees/staff to take care of the customers.

All these costs around Rs. 50 lakhs to Rs. 1 crore on average. The revenue shared by the Phonewale franchisor is 90% with the franchisee, while it retains 10% of the same.

Phonewale offers inventory planning, interior designing support, client interaction training, RM support, and monetary support.

Cashify Franchise – Best Mobile Store Franchise

In this List of Mobile Store Franchise Businesses, the next best mobile store franchise is Cashify. It was founded in 2009 by Mandeep Manocha and had more than 50 franchise outlets across the country.

Cashify Franchise LogoIts head office is in Mumbai, and franchises are nationwide. It deals in multiple mobile brands.

Cashify offers franchise rights for five years for a fee of Rs. 5 lakhs to Rs. 10 lakhs, and the infrastructure cost they have is around Rs. Fifty lakhs to Rs. 1 crores.

The revenue shared with the franchises of Cashify is around 90% of the revenue generated at the franchise.

So, if you are a franchise holder of Cashify and generated Rs. 10 lakhs this month, then you will get Rs. 9 lakhs out of the same.

Cashify dealers/ franchises usually take the shortest time to break even as they have a huge market leadership. They break even within 10-12 months usually.

The infrastructure requirements for Cashify franchise outlets are a place of around 300-600 square feet, with CCTVs, ACs, a demo area, a product display area, a waiting area, and billing counters.

Cashify offers support facilities like inventory planning, product pricing, different offers, RM support, client interaction training, interior designing, monetary support, and more.

Big C Mobiles Franchise – Top Mobile Store Franchise to buy

Big C Mobiles is another franchise for mobiles that is a part of this Mobile Shop Franchise Business Comparison.

BIG C Mobiles Franchise LogoThis has a legacy of 30 years in this industry and has a network of more than fifty franchise outlets across the country.

Big C Mobiles offers five-year franchise agreements for Rs. 5-10 lakhs. The infrastructure cost varies from Rs. 50 lakhs to Rs. 1 crore.

The franchisee gets entitled to a revenue share of 90%. Given this setup, it takes around 1.5 years to break even, while some franchises also break even within a year.

You need to have a space of around 800-1000 square feet for the franchise outlet.

Then you need to plan and build the space according to the requirements like a product display zone, waiting for lounge, demo area, billing counter, and other requirement departments.

You also need delivery services and basic amenities like ACs, and CCTVs in your store.

The support facilities offered by Big C Mobiles are client interaction training, product training, customer management training, business management software, RM support, interior designing support, and a lot more.

Smart Dukaan Franchise – Top 10 Mobile Store Dealership to buy

Smart Dukaan founded one of India’s Best Phone Shop Dealership in 2017.

Tarun Verma, the founder, started operating from Noida, and now, this business network has spread to different cities in the country. There are more than ten franchise outlets, and the numbers are growing.

Smart Dukaan Franchise LogoSmart Dukaan is offering five years franchise for a fee of Rs. 5 lakhs to Rs. 10 lakhs, while the infrastructure costs vary from Rs. 50 lakhs to Rs. 1 crore.

The franchises of Smart Dukaan get around 90% of the revenue they generate, while the remaining 10% goes to the franchisor.

Around 1 to 1.5 years is usually required to recover the investment made into bringing the franchise to life.

The infrastructure costs are mainly required for the 800-1000 square feet store that you need to buy or take on rent.

Then it would be best if you made it according to the franchise outlet requirements. For instance, you need to divide the area into a demo zone, product display zone, billing counter, and waiting area.

Then you need to install ACs, CCTVs, and other basic amenities that every customer needs or expects.

Smart Dukaan offers monetary support to the franchises along with RM support, training for products and client interaction, RM support, warranty and guarantee support, and inventory planning.

The Mobile Store Franchise – Best Phone Shop Franchise in 2025

In this list of Top Mobile Store Franchises in India, The Mobile Store is the last but not the least to be specific.

The Mobile Store Franchise LogoIt is one of the country’s most popular multiple-brand mobile phone stores. It started in 2007 in Kolkata and now has become a 50+ franchise store network.

The Mobile Store franchise offer agreement for 5 years for Rs. 5 lakhs to Rs. 10 lakhs and share revenue of around 90% with the franchisees. This helps the franchises break even within 1.5 years at max.

The infrastructure requirements include an 800-1000 square feet store where you must divide the space into a billing counter, product display area, demo zone, and waiting zone.

Then you need to install ACs, CCTVs, and other amenities. You need to employ 2-3 staff to attend to the customers.

The Mobile Store franchisor offers support starting with monetary support, multiple training, inventory planning, product pricing support, interior designing support, and much more.

Best Mobile Store Franchise in India 2025 – Conclusion

So, if you are looking for the Best Mobile Store Franchise, you can refer to the details given above about the top ten franchises in this industry.

You can compare and then choose the most suitable franchise for yourself.

FAQs on Top Mobile Store Franchise Business in India

Check out various FAQs on Best Phone Shop Franchise Brands here –

What is Mobile Store Franchise?

Mobile Store franchise is a business model that any mobile store can offer to partner with other business owners who want to deal in their mobile brands.

There can be single-brand mobile stores like Samsung and Xiaomi and multiple brands mobile franchises like Croma.

Which is the most successful Phone Shop Franchise?

Samsung is the most successful mobile phone store franchise. It has brand value as well as a legacy in this industry.

How do I start my Mobile Store Franchise?

You must purchase the franchise rights from the mobile store franchisor, set up the outlet with the required infrastructure requirements, and get going.

Are Mobile Store & Phone Shop Dealership profitable?

Mobile phones have become an inseparable part of anyone; thus, this market is bound to grow with innovation and new technologies; the mobile phone market is exploding daily.

What is the monthly income in the Mobile Shop Franchise business?

On average, every top mobile store franchisee gets around 90% of the revenue they generate in a month.

Which is the most profitable Phone Shop Dealership?

The most profitable mobile store franchise can be Xiaomi and Micromax as the investment is low and the revenue sharing is high.

Which franchise is best for Mobile Stores?

The best mobile store franchise can be of Samsung, OnePlus, and Xiaomi, as they have the highest market presence and demand.

How much investment is required to start a Mobile Shop Dealership?

The investment required to set up a mobile store franchise varies from Rs. 30 lakhs to 1.2 crores.

Which Phone Shop Franchise is the cheapest in India?

Micromax is one of the cheapest mobile store franchises at present, followed by Xiaomi.

Which is the fastest-growing Mobile Store Franchise?

The fastest-growing mobile store franchise has to be OnePlus. It came and conquered the market with its innovative technology and user-friendly handsets.

Important Links

Best Franchise Business in India


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